Briggs Chapter 5

February 21, 2012 | Leave a Comment

Journalism has truly seen it’s fair share of phases. It’s amazing that the cell phone didn’t really explode until the early 21st Century.

Cell phone development has been rapid. Initially you could only make phone calls and then color screens were the new fad. Slowly cameras started to develop and could capture low quality video.

The iPhone and Android services have taken cell phones to a new level. Both have the ability to capture HD video and pictures.

Chapter 5 discusses the birth of Mobile Journalism and who reporters can meet the “right now” deadline. Briggs states, “ Today, mobile devices are like electronic Swiss-Army knives, arming anyone and potentially everyone with an all-in-one media tool that can view, capture, and publish or broadcast.”

Everyone has access to a cellphone. Briggs explains what you can do to set yourself apart as a mobile journalist. The text also encourages the use of a mobile journalism daily.


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