Professor Klein assigned a reading I saw coming. It’s from the Washington Post and is titled, “I Really Need You To Read This Article, Okay?” Long story short it Joel Achenbach writes about his thoughts on how relevant the newspaper was and is.

I’m old school…you can send me a million documents through email, but I will eventually print it off so I can physically have it in my hand. I take .that same stance with newspapers. Yes, there is a decline in the physically newspaper, but somebody somewhere is still going to a convenience store a purchasing one. Newspapers are online for the tech savvy man or woman however, nothing beats sitting in a break room with a newspaper.

We have become to dependent on technology! What happens when your cell phone battery dies? Electricity is knocked out? It’s like a relationship, if you invest to much into one person and they leave you it could be catastrophic.

Bottom Line: Newspapers are aging and almost extinct, but still have a presence that the World is not ready to let go of.


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